I am an Outdoorsman by nature and upbringing. Aside from the frequent camping and backpacking trips of my childhood, my first and most fulfilling job was that of a Horseback Guide / Search and Rescue (SAR) First Responder in the Davis Mountains of West Texas. With my horse Dilly, along with a remuda of +50 horses and mules at my disposal, I roamed 47,000 acres of vertical desert mountains with pack horses and riders in tow for a minimum of 6 days at a time. My saddle is well worn and, roughly calculated, has taken me over 10,000 miles of trail, many times to places that neither horses nor humans have any business being.

I studied all the information I could find about surroundings, focusing first on the various types and uses of flora and fauna, later integrating them into my diet and medical supplies. First Aid became a priority as the number of “weekend warriors” increased within the area. This then lead to the need for advanced medical training and the all-too-frequent application of that skill-set. Water was procured from springs or stagnant man-made water sheds, meals were all cooked upon campfire, and shelter was limited to that which could be practically brought in using pack mules. I began all of this before cell phones became smart, or even had coverage in that area for that matter, before rescue helicopters were finally brought into a 100 mile radius, before repeater towers made it possible to reach the outside world save for narrow windows afforded every few days. I learned quickly, many times, from the speed of pain and at the cost of blood and tears. It is lessons such as these that I will be using to reinforce the skills illustrated in this blog.

Skipping ahead to the present day… (4-10-2015) I am currently a full-time high school biology teacher in Texas, have a Bachelor’s degree in the subject and am pursuing a Masters in Science from Sul Ross State University—which I imagine doesn't exactly ring of a tried and true survivalist. I live the life of a 9-5er, wearing dress clothes and working days on end, shuffling paperwork with little or no exposure to sunlight or physical activity. I have been lost within this realm for almost four years now, and it will soon come to an end, for I am no longer truly living.

I, Bob Hansler, am retiring from public school teaching at the age of 30 so I can once again find myself.

This summer I will be moving onto a remote ranch in South Texas to begin the journey. I'll begin reacquainting myself with the many wilderness survival skills that served me so well in years past, and share this information here on The Wildernist and on my YouTube channel, HorsebackBob. I will be documenting and demonstrating, from basic overnighting to long-term sustainability, SHTF1, TEOTWAWKI2-type scenarios; and no matter your level of experience with the wilderness, this blog should be able to afford useful tricks, tips, and at the very least entertainment at my expense.

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