Category Archives: Happening Now

Eyes and Ears

The rains have come and brought life back to this creek.  I walk the familiar paths and survey the changes that this weather and the turning season have caused.  Always with me, watching for danger and guiding me down trails is my pup Huck.  Without him, much of what I do would not be possible.…
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Down But Not Out

We are recovering to the extent that we can medically.  Things are not good, but we are going to push forward as best we can. The hurricane has now past and we escaped the worst of it save for a number of old mesquite trees.  A big thank you to the amazing support that our…
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The Beginning

Bob Hansler

This site is currently under construction... and will be for a while.

Content will become more free flowing and regularly posted nearing the end of August 2015.  This site is intended to be a resource of survival, prepping, and wilderness skills that have been thoroughly tested and proven to be "tried and true."  Whether you are a veteran or beginner in this field, the pages within should afford some useful and at times entertaining substance.

In the meantime, take a look at my YouTube Channel:

Be Prepared