
Great videos, good man. I moved to West Texas last year, and have really tried to immerse myself in its unique nature. Cooked, prepared for tanning, and ate my first rattlesnake last week. Wish I would have found your videos first. Fantastic info and well presented.

keglamm, Youtube Subscriber

Nice! I really like listen to you in your vids, Bob! You know how to explain things and indeed seem to know what you're talking about!!! On!! 😉

Dragoony12345, Youtube Subscriber

Hey Bob. I am writing to express my extreme admiration and appreciation of your vids. After watching virtually every "survival expert" on youtube I've discovered that 99.99% of 'em are either charlatans, puff toads, or both. In refreshing contrast, not only is it all to obvious that you know what you're doing, as an added bonus, you're entertaining, good humored, modest, philosophical, and personable as well. Your parents should be bursting with pride. Regards.

Vernon Tuck, Brenham, Texas.

You sir are my hero. btw the swimming after a diamondback rattle snake video on your youtube video is friggin wild! I will get around to attempting this in the near future.

MrRedBeard, Instructables User