Course Description
This is the Basic Survival Training Course that establishes a foundation of modern and primitive wilderness survival skills. Students will be introduced to equipment, techniques and methods vital to survive a basic short term (~3 weeks) survival situation. Classes are tiered and future advanced courses will build upon these concepts.3
Course Spans:
Friday Evening – Sunday Noon
3 Day / 2 Night Class

Skills Covered
Our Details

This is the gear that we recommend for your overnight stay. You’ll be able to drop your gear on site upon arrival before parking. Vehicles are parked within walking distance a few hundred yards from the camping, cooking and main coursework area.
Optional Gear: wet wipes, bug spray, sun glasses.
The photo below is for reference. Feel free to adapt this list as needed. Please reach out and contact us if you’ve any questions.
*some loaner equipment may be available for rent or purchase.

This is the gear necessary for this course during class sessions both in base camp as well as afield. There will be a few lessons where we will range ~1 mile and will be away from base camp for a bit. Supplement gear in your day pack with anything you might need while on these walks.
Your daypack will keep the useful gear needed during the day close and mobile. Keep it light, but water, snacks, and a small first-aid kit are standard.

This is the tentative menu that we provide as a complimentary service and is not included in the course charge. These are Dutch oven meals cooked by an extremely experienced individual who has campfire cooked for over 200 groups during week-long wilderness programs.
*If you are cooking your own meals for any reason we will have a cook fire available if desired. If there is a dietary conflict, we may be able to accommodate if given adequate notice excepting location limitations.

This is the tentative itinerary for this course. Weather considerations and extenuating circumstances may cause us to adapt and modify. If the class must be canceled or abbreviated, we will reschedule and if necessary refund the course fee.
We should start around 8:00 PM Friday evening. Most arrive between 6:30-7:00 in order to get their tent site set up. We should wrap up shortly before lunch on Sunday.
You are welcome to spend the rest of the day relaxing or exploring. If you’d like to stay another night or two we can most likely accommodate.

Outdoor activities are inherently dangerous, uniquely so here in Texas. By entering this property and participating in this program you are assuming all risk and liability.
A standard Hold-Harmless must be signed upon arrival.
This course will cover many of the potential dangers associated with Wilderness Survival , how to avoid them and advise techniques to respond / treat such circumstances.
We strive to offer a safe program and are prepared for most emergency situations. Trained Wilderness First Responders will be on site with a comprehensive Medical Kit.

Every skill we acquire is an investment. You never know when in your life it may be called upon to be used.